Thursday, March 08, 2007 |
Y2K7 ... Better safe than sorry! |
First off, this isn't a "run to the hills, the sky is falling!!!" alarm. But it is something you want to make sure that you guard against. What you need to do is simple, but it just might take some time.
Here's the video link if you want to see it again: CLICK HERE
Read the two articles linked below to educate yourself on what this is about:
CLICK HERE for the Wikipedia article that explains exactly what Y2k7 (or the Daylight Savings' bug) is about.
CLICK HERE for another informative article and get ready to protect your systems.
Some things to keep in mind :
If you are running XP service pack 1 or earlier you will not be able to fix your system via Windows automatic update. With XP SP1 you just need to update to SP2. Earlier operating systems like Windows 2000, Windows Me, and Windows 98 - you can use the handy Time Zone Editor to update your system Sunday - just be sure to re-update it when D.S.T. is over! CLICK HERE FOR The Time Zone Editor. By the way, if you are still using Windows ME - then you have our deepest condolences!!
CLICK HERE if you are a Mac user and are wondering if you need the patch or not.
You will also need to check any time sensitive programs you use on your computer to see if they need to be patched. (For example Outlook will need to be patched in addition to your Operating System)... The easiest way to do this is go to the manufacturer's website and search their support page for "Daylight Savings Time" or "Y2K7".
DON'T FORGET your handheld devices that are windows based (cell phones and pda's) will need to be updated CLICK HERE for info on that.
BOTTOM LINE... You just need to make sure your electronic devices are up to date!!!
If you are an IT person you really want to make sure this little bug is exterminated on your server and programs so it will not create big problems. |
posted by The Knowles Family @ 6:54 PM |
Great information, guys - keep it coming!
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Great information, guys - keep it coming!