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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Our First Segment is going to be on Spyware!
We are excited about this opportunity to give you informative, helpful, and entertaining computer assistance. Welcome to Tech-Check with Chase and Sam on Fox6 News! Your place for computer help in plain English!


It is said that over 80% of computers online contain spyware. Recently a survey revealed that half of Tech Support calls are due to spyware. So why should you be concerned?

Spyware is like someone watching over your shoulder anytime you get online, and watching every move you make. Now these programs can be as harmless as tracking your online activity for marketing purposes. However, there are very real dangers to spyware.

Spyware can slow your system down to a crawl. A lot of times these programs are written not with system performance in mind. They're constantly running in the background eating up your system resources causing your computer as a whole to run considerably slower or causing it to act strange. If you've noticed either of these symptoms with your computer, more than likely you are in the 80% mentioned above.

The three steps we are going to talk about on our show will help you successfully remove most spyware for free. PLEASE NOTE:(The free programs we suggest and use have been tested and are probably the best free ones out there right now. Most free - and many for pay - spyware removal programs on the web actually contain more spyware so do not download any spyware programs unless you've fully checked them out.)

Turn off System Restore- if you are using Windows ME or Windows XP operating systems, then you have the System Restore function. What this program does is occasionally take a "picture" of your system settings. You can also manually set System Restore points and it is recommended to do so before you install a program onto your system. That way, if the program causes certain problems with your system, you can use the System Restore function to "restore" your system back to the point it was working properly.

Why do I have to turn System Restore off? Because System Restore takes a virtual snapshot of your system in it's current state - and replaces missing "system" files when you reboot your computer. You can remove most traces of spyware, and when you reboot your system, voila, they are back!

Addition: As Fox6 watcher Dennis rightly points out, Windows will give you a warning before you turn off System Restore that all existing restore points will be deleted. This is a point worth considering - if you have installed a program, or new hardware item, then you will no longer be able to take your system back to the state it was in before that program or hardware addition. However, if you do in fact have a significant spyware/malware infection, you will have to turn off System Restore - thus deleting all your previous restore points - in order to get your computer fully clean. Restore points are protected files by Windows, so you can't "clean" them using an anti-virus or anti-spyware product. It's quite frustrating that spyware can compromise system restore, but no program can clean it! Note that even Microsoft recommends turning off system restore on spyware/malware infections.

How do I turn off System Restore? To turn off System Restore follow these steps: Click on Start, go to All Programs, go to Accessories, go to System Tools, click on System Restore, click on System Restore Settings, check the box next to Turn Off System Restore.

This will delete all your previous Restore points, but once you've cleaned your system, you can turn System Restore back on. Now you are ready for step 2....


Download and install the following three programs: (to download, click on the name or graphic)

Ad-Aware SE

Spybot Search & Destroy

C W Shredder


Update and run each program (not at the same time). Make sure you update before you run these programs. There are new variants of spyware coming out all the time. Checking for updates before you run the program ensures that you have the latest definitions.

When you run each program, delete the things they find. Follow the steps to removal and you should be back to normal.

If your system is still acting funny after you follow these steps, you may have a more serious infection that will require professional help. Check out UsGeeks - our team of tech professionals serving Alabama from Huntsville, to Birmingham, to Anniston.

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posted by The Knowles Family @ 8:54 AM   0 comments

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