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Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tech Check: Cell phones and iPhone info
On tonight's Fox6 Tech Check, Sam and Chase talked about the various types of cell phones you can buy. We also mentioned the upcoming iPhone and all of the buzz surrounding it.

Sam showcased two types of phones - The LG 9800 - which has a qwerty keyboard and is excellent for text messaging - and the Casio G'zone, which is a very rugged, waterproof phone that takes decent pictures, and has a very good screen. Chase talked about a Pocket Pc based phone (with portable office apps like Word and Excel), these type cell phones can do almost everything - but they are quite bulky and heavy. The best choice for those who just need a phone, is either the cheapest and smallest model sold by your cell provider, or a phone like Motorola's Razr, which is very thin and lightweight, and also includes a camera.

C-net has a very good cell phone buyers guide with a video - it's a good starting place if you are looking to replace your old cell phone: CLICK HERE

Want to know more about the iPhone? Check out Wikipedia's article for a start, and then read - why you might not want an iPhone (CLICK HERE) And how to get one if you decide you do: CLICK HERE

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